My Top 5 Favourite JM Gemstone Strands
While browsing the Jewellery Maker Facebook page I came across this #Blog2Win competition, and just in time! There was one problem though, I could only pick my top 5 favourite JM gemstone strands and at the time I was choosing there were over 150 pages with 20 gemstone strands on each page!! So, there was a long list, followed by a short list followed by my top 3 and then I was stuck. I couldn't choose another two!! There are just so many stunning gemstone strands on the JM website!! Finally after a number of hours I had my top 5, and here they are.
Number 1 - 35cts Lemon Quartz Graduated Concave Cut Pears

Approx from 18x13mm to 21x15mm
3 pieces
3 pieces
Has anyone seen the film 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'? For those who haven't it stars Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey, and towards the end of the film they attend a very lavish and posh party held by a diamond company called DeLauer. The guests at the party get to loan beautiful jewellery for the event. Upon entering the party, Kate's character, Andie, is given a jaw dropping diamond necklace called Isadora, to wear. The moment I saw this strand I was reminded of Isadora and fell in love with the idea of making myself a similar necklace. I'd have no idea what I would wear it with or where I would wear it. Maybe I'd just prance around my bedroom in a posh frock pretending I'm in the movies!
Number 2 - 35cts Green Amethyst Graduated Concave Cut Drops
Each stone is approximately from 13 to 19mm
3 pieces
I know, I know, they're very similar to the ones above but how could I leave them out of this list. Look at the sparkle! Imagine the beautiful necklaces you could make with them! I think any woman would feel like royalty wearing a necklace boasting one of these beauties. The green is so subdue they almost look like big glistening diamonds.
Number 3 - 30cts London Blue Topaz Graduated Faceted Pairs
Each stone is approximately from 5x3 to 9x6mm
16cm strand
Topaz, my birthstone, just had to be on my list so I am so glad I found these beauties. The colour is amazing. I imagine turning these in to beautiful drop earrings. It would be divine if I could somehow frame them in diamonds (and afford diamonds in the first place)!
These were also my boyfriend's favourites. (Yes, I did subject him to hours of looking at pictures of gemstones and listening to me yammering on about them)!
These were also my boyfriend's favourites. (Yes, I did subject him to hours of looking at pictures of gemstones and listening to me yammering on about them)!
Number 4 - 50cts Green Amethyst Graduated Concave Pears
Each stone is approximately from 18x9 to 16x12mm
16cm strand
Again, it was the diamond appeal that drew me to these. Any hint of green that may be there is so faint they look almost clear. I only wish the hole was centre drilled so that I could make a wire wrapped ring with one of these. I'm sure it's doable the way they are but I think it's beyond my skill. (Must keep practicing).
Number 5 - 35cts Multi-Colour Beryl Graduated Faceted Drops
Each stone is approximately 10x6 to 11x7mm
21cm strand
And finally, I found these. I actually missed these the first time around, maybe they were added after my first search, who knows. I'm glad I stumbled across them, although I'm torn between how I would use them. They look so beautiful strung together on this strand that I would be tempted just to restring it with maybe only one spacer between each gem and wear it as a necklace. The other option, of course, would be to pair the gems up and make beautiful drop earrings. Might just have to buy two strands!!
The best thing about all these strands though is that every bit can be used in jewellery making, not just the beads. I've seen (albeit, very talented) designers on JM use the tassels in necklaces and earrings, the spacers used to set the beads apart could be used as spacers in your own pieces, even the string can be recycled to make your own necklaces and bracelets. Nothing goes to waste, which I think is something every crafter can appreciate.
The strangest thing about all these strands is that they all consist of drops roughly the same shape. Now this in itself is not strange, but the fact that I usually avoid this type of bead when purchasing is. I always go for the safe option of a nice round bead. To work with, I prefer a round bead as I feel they lend themselves easily to a variety of different styles and they are so easy to work with. Drops, on the other hand, have a more sophisticated (and expensive) look and deserve to be made into stunning eye catching jewellery to be worn at fancy events. I'm sure I'm capable of making this type of jewellery, but the gems I have similar to these have been in my stash forever. I can never figure out what exactly I want to do with them. I either get an overload of ideas or I'm stumped. You wouldn't believe how many strands from the gems of distinction range I have that I haven't touched. They're still in their plastic wrappers, tassels attached!! When I get home I think I'll do a series of blog posts on them and document their transformation from gems of distinction strands into (hopefully) beautiful pieces of jewellery (finally)!